# of watchers: 4
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[WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "Your head? Wate if you like tell me dad's intution I'll bite you I sware."
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckled
[WASHACKED]: Max, "Dad..." He whined
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond."I just know things. I don't know how but I do"
[WASHACKED]: Max sighed and rolled his eyes
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond shrugged."I was just born that way"
[WASHACKED]: Max, "What about the other boys did you know?"
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."Yes I did know"
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned a bit, "Did they all grow up with you?"
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond."Yes"
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned and nodded thinking he was the only one who didn't get to know Armond growing up and that he barlie knew him now."
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed
[WASHACKED]: Max, "I;m gonna go read." He said and walked around Armond to the libary
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nods as he walks to his office
[WASHACKED]: Max walked to the libaery and sat down he picked up a book and read
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sat in his office
[WASHACKED]: Max read for a few hours than fell to sleep on the couch
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond worked
[WASHACKED]: Max sleept on the couch
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond worked
[WASHACKED]: Max sleept for a few hours it was a few minutes till sunrise and he was still alsleep on the couch
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond, Luna and Hope where all in there coffins.
Poppy walked into the library when she heard that someone was sleeping there. She saw Max."Silly Max" she whispered as she picked him up and carried him to her coffin. She layed him in her pink and white coffin. Then she walked to her walk in cupbored and layed in her extra coffin for when she has sleep overs.
[WASHACKED]: Max sleept more
[Time skip middle of the night]
Max woke up from a nightmare
[Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy, Armond, Luna and Hope sleep
[WASHACKED]: Max blinked he opened the coffin and saw he was in Poppy's room he rubbed his eyes and crawled out of the coffin. He walked out and avoiding the sun spots he walked in Armond's room he went over to Armond's coffin seeing it was in shadows and peeked in
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sleeps
[WASHACKED]: Max crawled in with him and closed the coffin lid as he hid his face in Armond;s shirt
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sleeps
[WASHACKED]: Max fell to sleep nuzling to Armond.
[Time skip morning]
Max nuzzled his head under Armond's chin as he sleept
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sleeps
[WASHACKED]: Max yawned and woke up he moaned and nuzzle dhis face in Armmond;s chest
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond was in a very deep sleep
[WASHACKED]: Max yanwed and cuddled to him
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond woke up with a yawn
[WASHACKED]: Max nuzzled his face in Armond's chest more yawning a bit
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond looked down at MAx
[WASHACKED]: Max cuddles to Armond more he rubbed his eyes and looked up at Armond cutely
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond."Mornin
[WASHACKED]: Max yawned, "Morning." He mubbled still half asleep
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond opened the coffin and got out
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned and grabed Arm's arm as he went to get out, "Nuu your warm." He mubbled and yawned sitting almost sleeping
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckled.
[WASHACKED]: Max cuddled To Armond
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond got back intop the coffin and cuddled him
[WASHACKED]: Max smiled and cuddled him he nuzzled his head under Armond's chin
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him
[WASHACKED]: Max cuddled armond more yawning
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him
[WASHACKED]: Max yawned and blinked waking up more he sat up and rubbed his eyes, "Sorry.." He mubbled blushing
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond."It's fine"
[WASHACKED]: Max nodded a bit, "Sorry about coming in here last night to I umm.." He frowned and trailed off
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nods
[WASHACKED]: Max rubbed his eyes and yawned his ears where birght red, he wasn't sure how to act with Armond really or Luna since they where family
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond watched him
[WASHACKED]: Max blinked seeing Armond was watching him he blushed turning even more red, "What?"
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckled and got out his coffin."Nothin
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned a bit and climbed out he tri[ed getting out and cut his hand on the side of the coffin he bit his lip with a frown
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond looked at him."You okay?"
[WASHACKED]: Max nodded and closed his cut hand
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond."I smell blood"
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned nad opened his hand and showed him, "I cut it on the coffin."
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed and got a cloth and wrapped it around Max's hand
[WASHACKED]: Max, "Sorry." He mubbled
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond."It's fine"
[WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Thanks." He got up and yawned
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nods.
[WASHACKED]: Max yawned,"I'm gonna go take a walk to wake up." He waved and walked out he walked down stairs and out side he started for the wood humming a bit
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond walked to the dinning room.
[WASHACKED]: Max walked more in the woods glancing around.
[Tis gone but never gone]: A boy layed in the woods, bleeding and broken, he moans in pain.
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned hearing something he sniffed smelling blood and found the boy he paused and bent by him, "Oh by the gods, hold on." He picked up the boy thanking the gods for his vamp strength
[Tis gone but never gone]: The boy groaned in pain
[WASHACKED]: Max went to the house, "DAD!" He called walking in
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond ran out the dinning room after finishing his breakfast."Yea
[WASHACKED]: Max, "Ummm kid whos really hurt and he smells like vampire."
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond."Up stairs to the blue room, now." he ran up the stairs to the blue room
[WASHACKED]: Max nodded he ran up there and when he got there he set the boy down where Armond had told him
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond looked at the boy."Can you hear me?"
The boy opened his eyes and looked at Armond."grandp
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned and rose an eyebrow he sat on the boys other side, "Did he just call you grandpa, dad?"
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nods."Yeah he did." he frowned a little
The boy passed out again
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned and looked at Armond a bit confussed, "Umm I'll get the first aid kit." He got up and ran out
[Time skip to when he wakes up I guess XD]
Max was sitting on one side of the boys bed reading he was told to watch him as Armond went out to get more meds for the first aid kit and more blood saying they whould need more with him
[Tis gone but never gone]: The boy groan as he woke up
[WASHACKED]: Max blinked and looked up, "Ummm hey how you feel?" He set down the book and reached over grabing a cup of blood and held it out for him
[Tis gone but never gone]: The boy sat up and took the cup."Like hell" he sipped the blood.
[WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "I'm Maximus, how are you and just wondering what happened?"
[Tis gone but never gone]: The boy sighed."Yeah I know who you are."
[WASHACKED]: Max rose and eyebrow, "Ummm you do, how?"
[Tis gone but never gone]: The boy."Am from the future, dad."
[WASHACKED]: Max's face pailed, "What? Oh no dude you got it wrong."
[Tis gone but never gone]: The boy chuckled."No I don't have it wrong. If you don't believe me then ask me what my name is"
[WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "I already did that, but again what's your name?"
[Tis gone but never gone]: AJ smiled."Armond Jonas Turrner. But everyone calls me AJ, it's so much easyer than calling me Armond Jonas."
[WASHACKED]: Max nodded a bit, "And why whould I name you after dad, when I don;t know him well, and out family doctor well one of them."
[Tis gone but never gone]: AJ chuckled."I wish I could tell you dad but you'll kill me when I get back to the future cause you always are telling me not to muck up the past to change the future."
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned at him, "I'm gonna get dad to send you back." He stood up
[Tis gone but never gone]: Aj nods."Okay dad"
[WASHACKED]: Max paused, "Don;t umm call me that.... Like I mean you look older than me and well people will think your nuts."
[Tis gone but never gone]: AJ shrugged."You mean auntie Poppy crazy or auntie Luna crazy?"
[WASHACKED]: Max blinked at him, "Ummm ahh I don't know you crazy ok well Poppy casue with how many people think she should be in a nut house." He blinked nad shook his head. Kinda creeped out by this
[Tis gone but never gone]: AJ nods a little."True but auntie Poppy has her reasons."
[WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Yeah, ummm I'll be right back, just don;t like move." He went to the door
[Tis gone but never gone]: Aj nods."Okay"
[WASHACKED]: Max ran a hand thogh his hair and walked out letting out a sharp breath.
[Dide I think to get AJ back it takes a s[ectial spell that Armond doesn't have and it takes like a long long long time to get aj back to his time, when older Max and Armond come to get him.. what you think?]
[Tis gone but never gone]: [yeah I like that idea better ^^]
AJ sighed a little
Max found Armond in his office, "Ummm dad you win your right I don't go crazy when I'm older."
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond looked up at Max."Excuse me? I don't understand"
[WASHACKED]: Max, "I wount go crazy case I read young vampires do between 13 and 16 and well that boy in there is claming to be my kid so I well I don't know." He took a brath clearly freking a bit
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond blinked."I see." he said slowly.
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned and looked at Armond, "He like called me dad and stuff and he's all like and and." He blinked an dtook a breath
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond."Just let it all out"
[WASHACKED]: Max blinked, "Ummm no I'm just a bit freaking case he called me dad and he looks lik 16 and I'm 13. And just the thoght of me a dad is weird since I met you only almost a year now." He said kinda fast and sounded like Armond when he was yonger and really nervus
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond stood up."Now you know how I felt when you popped up with I was King." he chuckled and walked to the blue room where AJ was.
[WASHACKED]: Max blinked and fallowed, "You where 21 and it's not funny." He said and chukled a bit and ran to Armond's side looking up at him
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckled as he walked into AJ's room."Now it's time for you to go home."
AJ smiled at Armond."Okay grandpa"
[WASHACKED]: Max walked in behind him he went and sat on the window seat watching he was sitting furest from AJ as posible.
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nods."A time for everything and everything it's place. Remove what had been moved threw time and space."
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned seeing AJ stay where he was, "Daddyo not worken."
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond frowned."That should have worked."
Aj shrugged."Mayb
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "What you are?"
[Tis gone but never gone]: AJ."Dad told me not to say"
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned at him, "Can't be bigger than slyer and vamp, just say."
[Tis gone but never gone]: AJ."Whatever mini dad."
[WASHACKED]: Max frose and glared at him, "I'll kick your bloody ass."
[Tis gone but never gone]: AJ rolled his eyes."Love to see you try, mini dad."
[WASHACKED]: Max growled getting a bit mad
[Tis gone but never gone]: AJ rolled his eyes.
AJ."Sorry grandpa"
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "Sorry dad."
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nods
[WASHACKED]: Max nodded
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nods
[WASHACKED]: Max, "So what we going to do?"
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond shrugged."Not sure"
[WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Your helpful, ummm AJ did older me ever say anything to this?"
[Tis gone but never gone]: AJ shook his head.
[WASHACKED]: Max nodded a bit, "OK fun." HE mubbled
[Tis gone but never gone]: AJ was having too much fun messing with mini dad and grandpa.
Armond sighed
[WASHACKED]: Max, "I'm going to see if my coffin's back, and bug James if it's not." He said and got of his chair starting for the door
[Tis gone but never gone]: AJ chuckled
[WASHACKED]: Max walked out and started out side
[Tis gone but never gone]: Aj talked with Armond
[WASHACKED]: Max went to James and sighed deeing is coffin whouldn for a while. Than he made James shut up and stick to the roof of the kichen he chukled
[Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy skipped into AJ's room."Hey Armond. Hey boy whos name I don't know." she smiled.
AJ smiled brightly."Aunt
Armond blinked
[WASHACKED]: MAx chukled and walked up stairs he blinked hearing Poppy and looked in the room
[Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy blinked."Did he just call me auntie? I didn't know Luna had a kid."
AJ laughed.
Armond chuckled
[WASHACKED]: Max chukled a bit, "I don't think she will she go nuts over her figure."
[Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy giggled
[WASHACKED]: Max chukled a bit and walked in, "Ummm just so you guys know James is on the kichen roff and he can't talk he tryed to lick me after I asked about me coffin."
[Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy laughed.
Armond chuckled
[WASHACKED]: Max shugged, "He tryed to lick me he get's pay back even if he didn;t do it yet." He chukled a bit
[Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy giggles more
[WASHACKED]: Max glanced at Aj
[Tis gone but never gone]: Aj was chuckling softly.
[WASHACKED]: Max glanced at Armond and rubbed his eyes
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond."Poppy go get some blood for AJ."
Poppy nods."K." she skipped out the room
[WASHACKED]: Max watched her walk out
[Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy went to the blood room.
Armond."You'll need blood and I want to see something too."
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned at Armond, "What you want to see, him do?"
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond said nothing.
AJ chuckled
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned at Armond, "Dad?"
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond."Yes?"
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "Never mind your not gonna answer anyway." He sat down on the window seat
[Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy came back with a human."Here you go." she walked over to the bed and sat the human girl on the bed.
AJ."Thanks auntie." he took the human in hia arms. He took control of the human's mind and made her feel no pain. Then he bit the girls neck and drank her blood.
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned a bit
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond watched."Inter
AJ drank
[WASHACKED]: Max, "What is?"
[Tis gone but never gone]: Aj stopped drinking and left the human girl alive.
[WASHACKED]: Max, "That he drank from her or left her alive?"
[Tis gone but never gone]: AJ and Armond."Both"
[WASHACKED]: Max blinked at them, "Ummm ok but why?"
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond shrugged."No reason."
AJ rolled his eyes as he healed the bite mark on the girls neck.
[WASHACKED]: Max frowned just a bit confussed
[Tis gone but never gone]: Armond walked out the room with the human girl.
[WASHACKED]: Max watched Armond leave
[Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy sat on Aj's bed."So I'm really your auntie?"
AJ smiled at her."Yep you are my fav auntie Pops."
[WASHACKED]: Max watched
[Tis gone but never gone]: poppy smiled."Am your fav?"
AJ hugged her."Course ya are."
[WASHACKED]: Max watched from where he sat at the window seat
[Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy smiled and hugged him back."Awesome.
Aj chuckled."Very
[WASHACKED]: Max made a gaging face
[Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy smiled.
AJ looked at his dad."You jeslous mini dad?" he smirked
[WASHACKED]: Max chukled, "Yeah right."
[Tis gone but never gone]: Aj chuckled
[WASHACKED]: Max rolled his eyes
[Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy looked at AJ."Why did you call Max 'mini dad'?"
Aj."Cause he's my father."
[WASHACKED]: Max rolled his eyes again he still didn;t belive AJ on that
[Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy blinked."Cool!
AJ."I guess." he chuckled
[WASHACKED]: Max got up and started to walk out
[Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy and Aj talked.
[WASHACKED]: Max walked out and started down the stiars
[Time skip... a few weeks]
Max chukled he was sitting on a table out side with some of his freinds and one of them was dancing around like an idiot
[Tis gone but never gone]: AJ saw his dad and walked over to him."hey MD." he chuckled a little
[WASHACKED]: Max frose he looked at Aj, "Why are you here and in a uniform, fuck do not tell me your going to come here?"
[Tis gone but never gone]: AJ chuckled."Of course I am MD. Armond said that I had to get an education and blah blah blah."
[WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "God. Guys this is my cuzen AJ."
[Tis gone but never gone]: Aj waved a little."Hey."
[WASHACKED]: The waved
Max, "Well umm I gotta go, AJ fallow James where in the same class as him to class. See you guys " He waved and got up grabing his bag he started away
[Tis gone but never gone]: Aj."Bye MD."
[WASHACKED]: A girl, "I wonder what Maximus does always going off by himself."
A guy shugged, "Who knows."
Max walked around the corror and walked more
[Tis gone but never gone]: AJ chuckled.
Carrie was sitting in a tree, swinging her legs.
[WASHACKED]: They got up, "Umm come on umm MJ." A boy said and they started walking
Max hummed as he walked e smiled seeing her and walked quitly so she whouldn't hear him
[Tis gone but never gone]: AJ rolled his eyes."It's AJ." he followed the boy
Carrie looked up at the sky as she swings her legs.
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